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Sunday, October 21, 2018

6 Best Chest Workout at Gym

One type of large muscle that is always a favorite exercise menu for gym mania is chest muscle. Chest muscle is indeed a muscle that you have to train regularly because the chest muscles that are well formed show good posture and field.

Actually there are lots of variations in chest muscle exercises. You don't have to do chest muscles at the gym. You can do chest muscle exercises at home. You can also train chest muscles with just a variety of push up movements.

To thicken and widen the chest muscles, there are several chest muscle exercises that you can do. Following are variations in chest muscle exercises:

1. Incline dumbell press

Implementation stage:
- Sleep on a bench seat with a 45 degree slope
- Both hands hold the dumbell and both feet touch the floor
- Lift both dumbells until your wrists are straight
- Lower the dumbell and repeat the movement
- Do 10-12 reps in a set.

2. Peck deck butterfly

Implementation stage:
- Sit on the peck deck
- Open and close your hands on the peck deck
- Repeat the motion
- Perform the movement 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets

3. Flat dumbell press

Implementation stage:
- Sleeping on a flat bench press chair
- Both hands hold the dumbell
- Raise the two dumbells until your elbows are 90 degrees straight
- Repeat the movement 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets

4. Flat dumbell fly

Implementation stage:
- Sleep on the bench press
- Your hands hold the dumbell
- Lift the dumbell above the head
- Swing both dumbells to the side, until your elbows form 45 degrees
- Return to the original position and repeat the movement
- Repeat the movement 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets

5. Cable flyes
Implementation stage:
- Both hands hold the cable flyes with stretched hand positions
- Pull both cable flyes down, with crossed hand positions
- Repeat the movement 10-12 reps, 3 sets

6. Dips
Implementation stage:
- Both hands hold dips
- Slightly lean your body forward
- Both feet cannot touch the floor
- Lower your body until the elbows form 45 degrees
- Repeat the movement 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets


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