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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Maternity Leave Make Women Stress Quickly

Who is most easily stressed due to work at the office? Whether male or female employees?

Reporting from Glamoour.com, a recent study by the American Psychological Association, said one-third of workers experiencing chronic stress associated with their jobs. However, studies reveal more vulnerable to job stress occurs in the female employee. Why?

The survey, conducted on 1,501 respondents permanent employees showed that small possibility for women to improve their career achievement.

The reason, most women still feel less appreciated by the company. In addition, the income given to the female employees there who do not align with the male employees.

Then, the office conditions are not conducive to women also often experience tension at work, while men do not really experience this problem on a large scale.

The results of this study also revealed that many employees are men who feel jealous of exclusive facilities for maternity leave for female employees.

Study confirms, employees heavier women experience stress when they are at work than men. The reason, many female employees had misgivings that the position left for maternity leave will be replaced by others.

The main stress, according to researchers, comes from knowing that the male co-workers better paid than women.


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