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Friday, April 7, 2017

The Benefits of Quacker Oatmeal for Your Health

Quacker oatmeal food became a popular food for many people, especially gym mania. Many people says quacker oatmeal is very good for diet, so they often eat quacker every morning as a substitute for breakfast menu. That's really good. But you know, quacker oatmeal is not just for diet. Quacker has many benefits for you if you consume it. The following are the benefits of quacker oatmeal for your health: 

1. Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Oatmeal is a whole grain cereals that can reduce the risk of various diseases, including high blood pressure and diabetes. Otameal also contains lignan, a chemical that has been found to prevent heart disease. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 recommends eating whole grains can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, grains like wheat is a good source of iron, magnesium and vitamins.

2. Reduce cholesterol

Consume oatmeal can reduce cholesterol, escpecially "bad" cholesterol in your blood. A person who has been diagnosed high cholesterol, begin to consider adding oatmeal on the daily menu, for example, for breakfast menu. So, no surprisingly if quacker oatmeal has a ability to prevent various diseases associated with cardiovascular.

3. Diet (Very good to lose weight)

Oatmeal is a low-calorie source of fiber which is very popular for people who are on a diet. When you eating oatmeal for breakfast, the stomach will feel full for a long time. But if you breakfast with high sugar and fat food, it will create a feeling of fullness with a shorter period of time, and be hungry again. 

Breakfast, consisting of oatmeal mixed with chunks of banana for example, can satisfy without worrying about going hungry until lunch time. That's really effective for those who are make the diet program

4. Reduce and prevent diabetes

Oatmeal is a type of wheat processed foods are very good for diabetics. Quacker is also highly recommended for diabetics. Moreover, it also has a very high fiber content which helps give the body's metabolism and blood sugar balance.

5. Full With Antioxidants

Oatmeal is very high antioxidants that very important to keep the body from free radicals diffuse to make an impact on beauty, health and cause deadly diseases such as cancer.

6. Prevent hardening of the arteries

When we talk about cardiovascular, the main topic is about "heart" and "nerve channels". The avenanthramides content is one of preventing heart disease. Noy only preventing heart disease, they have the main function to prevent arteries from hardening. This substance is an antioxidant that can prevent or reduce the production of molecules that can cause hardening of the arteries.

The study also showed that postmenopausal women who ate six servings of grains a week can reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, which is a disease buildup of plaque along the walls of the arteries and slow the progression of stenosis, which causes the hallways of the narrowed arteries, causing a heart attack and stroke.

7. Reducing hypertension 

Very high contents fiber in oatmeal have a major role in human health. One is to reduce high blood pressure, better known by the medical term is: hypertension.

8. Prevent cancer

The function of fiber in these nutrient-rich foods not just for digestive system. The content of antioxidants in oatmeal is very effective to prevent cancer.

9. Stabilize blood sugar

Fiber content in the quacker really can give the body the value of health. Beside for digestion and metabolism, fiber also has a role to stabilize blood sugar in the body. So if you eat a lot of foods that contain a lot of sugar, try to high fiber food to help stabilize blood sugar.

10. Improve Body Immune System

Despite various contents that very healthy, oatmeal contains a variety of antioxidant nutrients that are essential for maintaining the immune system. These antioxidants are also able to nourish the physical body such as the skin, up to prevent various disease.

11. Get healthy skin

With regular consumption of oatmeal you indirectly perform treatment against your skin. High content of antioxidants will help the various layers of the skin secrete free radicals caused by sun exposure or pollution.

Try the oatmeal as your breakfast menu can be made by combining fruit or nuts with oats will add more nutrients. Spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg can provide more delicious flavor to oatmeal. Limit the use of sugar (too many sugar it's not good for your healthy). Experiment with different recipes for oatmeal every serve your food menu. 

Good luck..


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