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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Freeletics Diet: Simple Tips to Create Healthy Freeletics Diet

Creating a simple and healthy eating pattern is our topic in this post ... Many postings about freeletics result, featuring photos before and after freeletics. However, from the success of the freeletics lovers to form the body, there is one thing that is forgotten to shared, the diet.

This time, I will share my eating patterns, because I form a body with freeletics, then certainly must be balanced with a nutritious diet, containing protein for muscle growth. You need healthy food for muscle development.
Then, what about the diet that I run? My diet is nothing special. I run a healthy diet that is simple and simple. I think everyone can do this. It's the diet I run everyday when doing freeletics.

1. White rice (not too much portion)

2. Side dishes (minimum in a day 3 times there is chicken / beef, vegetables, eggs, tofu)

3. Quaker oatmeal.

First, white rice should be included. Because white rice is a source of carbohydrates that are useful as a source of energy to perform everyday activities. Often you who like this sport forget the benefits of white white. Scared because white rice makes fat because of carbohydrates.

Alternatively if you do not want to eat white rice, you can eat brown rice. But, the price of red rice is more expensive. Brown rice is better than white rice, because red rice is low in carbohydrates and high in fiber, so it does not make you fat fast and because it contains high fiber, brown rice can make you full longer. So if you want to eat red rice instead of white rice, that's better

Well, if you still choose the consumption of white rice like me, you should limit the consumption of white rice. I work in an office, I spend a lot of time to sit in the office, so if I bring the rice lunch with a little portion of meat with meat and vegetables. In essence, if you do not do a lot of motion activity in the day / night, the white rice currents are really restricted so as not to become fat, because if a little activity moves, then the fat burning process is not as big as when you exercise.

Second, choose healthy side dishes. I usually buy a side dish for one day always contain chicken or beef, boiled egg, vegetable, tofu. Eggs and tofu usually for breakfast and lunch, because these foods contain protein. Do not forget to include meat, because meat also helps the process of muscle formation.

Thirdly, the additional menu is healthy, that is QUACKER OATMEAL. Usually the end of the month I buy quacker oatmeal rather than buy instant noodles. My oatmeal quacker consumes 4x a week after breakfast. I also mix oatmeal with low-fat chocolate milk for extra. But most importantly there should be oatmeal quacker because Quacker benefits a lot. The oatmeal quacker fibers are good for diet and accelerate muscle formation.

If breakfast after exercise, I still consumption of white rice but not in large portions. Well, to be satisfied, I also consume oatmeal about 4-5 tablespoons after breakfast. Oatmeal does make full longer.

Fourth, try dinner before 6 pm. Moreover, at 6 o'clock eating oily snacks that trigger you become fat. So, take a snack. Not that you can not eat snacks.

Fifth, reduce greasy food. Well, this is a very important point. Greasy foods should be avoided if you want to apply a healthy lifestyle. Greasy foods cause you to be fat fast. Especially if after exercise you eat greasy food, then it is useless exercise that you do. I am as much as possible to avoid greasy foods, because the effects of fried food is not good for muscle growth.

That's the simple tips to create a healthy diet that I do. During this time, not much out of cost and proven to effectively maintain my weight. Want healthy do not be delayed, start with a healthy diet.

- Healthy Freeletics - 


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