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Friday, October 19, 2018

How to Do: Dumbbell Bicep Curl - Excercise & Video

Biceps are one type of muscle that is often trained. A well-trained bicep muscle will make your arm muscles look sturdy. Bicep is included in one of the small muscles that you need to train, because the bicep muscle is part of the main arm muscle.

There are many ways to train bicep muscles. Exercise bicep muscles can be done only with a pair of dumbbells. Yep, dumbbell bicep curl is one type of bicep muscle exercise that you can do. Dumbbell bicep curl is also often done by gym mania to form bicep muscles better.

What is dumbbell bicep curl like? Pay attention to the picture below:
Dumbbell bicep curl workout

Dumbbell bicep curl is a movement that only trains one type of muscle, that is bicep muscle. So when doing this movement, your other muscles such as shoulder muscles, tricep muscles, back muscles are not formed.

But of course to get bicep muscle with maximum results, you have to do it with the right movements too. The following stages of the dumbbell bicep curl implementation:

- Stand up straight. Keep your back straight
- Both hands hold dumbbells with the same weight
- Position the dumbbell below the level with the thigh
- Raise both dumbbells, so that the dumbbell is aligned with the shoulder
- Lower the dumbbell again and repeat the movement
- Do this movement 10-15 reps

For more details, you can watch my video below, how to do the right dumbbell bicep curl ... 

That is the movement of dumbbell bicep curl. In order for your bicep muscles to form perfectly, there are a number of things that you must pay attention to. First, when doing dumbbell bicep curl, only your hands move / swing the dumbbell. Your body must not move. Or your shoulders doesn't have to assit for lifting dumbbells.

Because if your other body moves, for example, your shoulders are lifting dumbbells, then the focus is not on the bicep muscles, but your shoulder muscles and other muscles work. This is wrong. Again, to do the right dumbbell bicep curl, only your hands play a role in moving the dumbbell.

Second, choose a load that suits your abilities. In order for the movement of the dumbbell bicep curl to be perfect, you must choose the load that you can lift 10-12 reps perfectly (your body must not move).

If your body moves when doing dumbbell bicep curl, that means your dumbbell weight is too heavy. You must reduce the weight, and adjust weight as you can lift.

Dumbbell bicep curl can also be a solution for those of you who want to form a bicep muscle at home, without having to go to a gym. The video that I made above, is an example of bicep muscle exercise done at home. You only need a pair of dumbbells to do this movement.

If at home you only have a dumbbell that is light enough, then you can increase the intensity of the exercise (without adding weight). You can increase the number of reps and the number of your sets to get maximum results.


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