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Monday, October 8, 2018

Squat Variation exercises for Leg Muscle

One of the best types of exercises to form leg muscles is squat training. Squat can strengthen the bones in the soles of the feet and enlarge the thigh muscles. Squat is also a sport that is the main menu in fitness and bodyweight exercises.

The squat movement that we have known so far is squatting and standing. But actually squat exercise movements have a lot of variations that you can try, which is great for your leg muscle development. Here are 7 variations of squat exercise movements to form leg muscles that you can try:

1. Reguler squat 
Regular squats are commonly used squats, and these squats are basic squats that are done without using any load or full bodyweight. When performing regular squat movements, your back position and posture must remain straight and upright. 

When you do a squat motion, you must do a squat motion in full and not be halfway.If you do not do a full squat motion, your leg muscles will not work optimally, so your muscles are not properly formed. The regular movement of this squat is also used as a basis for movements in other squat variations.

2. Goblet squat
Goblet squats are basically the same as regular squats. But in the goblet squat, you use a pair of dumbbells as an additional weight so that your squat movements are more challenging.

3. Squat jump 
Squat jumps are done by standing-squat-jumping and then back to their original position. Squat jumps will strengthen your leg muscles because you have to squat and jump. Squat jumps besides exercising the leg muscles, are also good for cardio (losing weight).

4. Pistol squat 
Pistol squat is a squat that is done with only one leg. Expand one of your legs straight forward, and both hands are stretched straight forward. After that, one of your legs performs a squat and standing motion.

5. Lunge squat 

Lunge squats are squats that are done using heels. The stages of implementation: One of your legs is in the front position and bend your knees. One other leg is in the back position. Your hands hold the dumbbell as an extra burden. Then bend your back leg using your heel. Do it for other legs too.

6. Weighted squat 
Weighted squats are squats that are performed using additional barbell shoulder loads. Weighted squats can form and strengthen leg muscles faster. 

7. Sumo squat 

Sumo squats are the same squat movements as regular squats. Only difference is, in sumo your second leg squat is opened wide, shoulder width apart. Sumo squats can be done with a weight (dumbbell) or just freeweight. 


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