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Friday, May 10, 2019

How to Do Clap Push Ups - Benefits dan Muscles Work

How many times have you been strong enough to do push ups (regular push ups)? Have you been able to do push ups 50 times? Can you push up 100 times without stopping? That means the push ups you are doing are less challenging.

If you can reach push ups with many reps, you need to try other variations of push up exercises that are more weighty and challenging. One variation of push up exercises that you can try to apply in your training menu is clap push up or in the Indonesian language, commonly referred to as pat push ups.

Of course this clap push up has a much more challenging movement and has a heavier weight than you do regular push ups. If you don't believe it, try you do a regular push up 15 times, and also do the clap push up 15 times. Clap push ups are heavier and more tired to do.

Well, what is the clap push up like? Consider the picture below:
Clap push up. Image source: Beekman1802.com
The stages of implementing clap push ups are as follows:

- Form push ups as usual
- Both hands and feet touch the floor
- Your legs are straight, and your elbows are 45 degrees like a push up position
- Raise your hands, then do a pat position, and then fall back like the first step
- Repeat the movement 10-15 reps, 3-4 sets


Clap push up functions to train the chest muscles, arm muscles especially tricep muscles. Pressure movements when you do a "clap" or pat, give a greater contraction effect on the chest muscles and arm muscles, compared to when you do regular push ups.

Clap push up can give more pressure and challenge to your chest, rather than reguler push up. Clap push up also improve the ability of your arm

Clap push ups are one of the bodyweight workout movements. And of course you can do this movement at home aka the home gym. To further clarify how the clap push up moves, you can watch my clap push up video below:

Clap push up workout video

That is an example and the clap push up movement is one of the more weighty variations of push up exercises. Perform this exercise regularly, and feel the benefits you get. Good luck, and do not forget to maintain a proper diet, and adequate rest.


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