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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Wrist Workout at Home - Video & Excercises

Strengthening hand grip is one type of exercise that you need to do. Strong hand grip has many benefits.

For example, a strong hand grip will strengthen your wrists too, so it is useful when you play badminton. Strong hand grip is also useful for lifting / holding a load for a longer time.

When you train the hand grip, then automatically you also participate in training the muscles of the wrist, forearm muscles and the muscles of your fingers, so that the strength of your hands will increase much stronger.

There are many methods and variations to train and strengthen hand grip. In general, exercises to strengthen the grip of the hand carried out at the gym.

However, you can practice strengthening hand grip using simple, simple tools that you can do at home. So in this post, I will explain how to quickly strengthen your hand grip that you can do at home.

The movements are quite simple and you can practice easily. And of course, along with the training video.


How to strengthen the grip of the hand can be done using a pair of HAND GRIP tools. You can get this hand grip tool at the nearest sports shop or order it online.

Hand grip serves to strengthen the grip of the hands, forearm muscles and muscles of the wrist. How to use the correct and effective hand grip to strengthen hand grip, hand grip and wrist muscles? You can watch the training video here:

The second way to strengthen hand grip is to use a DUMBBELL PAIR. There are several movements you can do to strengthen the grip of the hand, as well as strengthen the forearm and wrist using a dumbbell.

The following is a training video on how to strengthen hand grip using a pair of dumbbells:

If you don't have a dumbbell, you can replace it with a bottle filled with water or sand to exercise the strength of your hand's grip. These exercises are very simple and you can do and apply at home.

Okay, that's how to strengthen the grip of the hand quickly. Do these exercises regularly, 2-3 times a week, and you will feel the benefits.


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