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Thursday, March 26, 2020

5 Push Up Variations You Can Do and Muscles Target

A very simple and easy bodyweight exercise is the PUSH UP exercise. Yep, push-ups can be done by anyone, and you can do push-up movements at home.

Push up movements are not difficult to do. If you have been able to do standard push ups 50 times without stopping. Or even you can do push-ups as much as 100 times without a break ... That means the push-ups that you do are too light ... Less challenging.

If you can do tens or hundreds of the same push-ups, your muscle development will no longer be optimal. Therefore, to get maximum muscle development, you need to do a PUSH UP VARIATION which is far more challenging.

Push-up variations will involve and target more focused muscles that are being trained, rather than just doing hundreds of the same push-up movements. Variations in push up exercises will target and train more:

- shoulder muscles
- Bicep muscles
- Forearm muscle
- Triceps muscle
- Chest muscle
- Muscle trapz (shoulder)
- Back muscles

You want to train these muscles just by doing push-ups, without tools and you can do it at home? In this post, I will provide tips.

So there are 5 (five) variations of push ups that you can do to build muscle more leverage. What are the 5 variations of push ups? To make it easier to practice the movements, you can watch 5 variations of the more challenging push up exercises in the following video. Enjoy watching.

Push up variations

Have you watched the video?

Those are 5 variations of push exercises that are far more challenging, and you can apply them easily at home, without much equipment. If you are focusing on bodyweight training, you can modify the push up exercises as I gave in the video.

Push-up exercises will be more challenging and provide maximum muscle development results.

Instead of doing 100 push-ups with the same movements, it's better to do 100 push-ups with 5 different variations of movement, and each movement is done 20 times.

These five push up variations also make your physical exercise more varied, not monotonous, so you won't get bored easily in running sports at home.

So the total push-ups that you do remain the same, which is 100 times push-ups, but if you do variations of push-ups, your muscles will form much more optimally.

You can do these exercises 3-4 times a week and you can join with other exercises, for example you join with weight training or cardio.

Perform 5 push-ups in one exercise, so you can train all your muscles with push-ups and feel your muscles pump more than if you do standard push-ups.

Do not forget to always adjust your diet and regular rest patterns, because maximum muscle development can only be obtained if you have a regular lifestyle. Greetings healthy ... Greetings sports.


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