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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

7 Tips to Combine Simple Perfect Healthy Foods

Create and combine healthy food habits actually is very simple. But, many people don't know how to combine healthy food. I saw in many site, blog and youtube, many people often show they body transformation (before and after). Yes, they doing freeletics, calisthenics, gym and they success for diet and got the ripped body.  

Unfortunately, they forgot to share how to combine healthy food, what should and shouldn't be eaten, what kind of foods that good for build muscle. So, in this post I want to shared how to combine simple perfect healthy life food. Ok, before that I want to tell you little bit about my healthy life. 

I actually always doing freeletics, gym, and so many sport. So my goals of course is get the proportional body, and get the ripped body. I know if I just train hardwork without counterbalanced with healthy food, maybe it's useless. So, I have to choose foods that can build muscle rapidly. And my another purposes to choose healthy foods is: I want apply healthy lifestyle. 
So, if you want apply healthy lifestyle, you must combine (simple) healthy food. Here it's 7 tips to combine simple perfect healthy foods:

1. Eat less carbs and reduce foods that contain many saturated fats 

Too many carbohydrate can make you fat quickly. So, if you eat carbohydrate it's likely you will get belly fat in your abs and hips quickly. Foods that contain lots of car carbohydrates among others egg yellow, white rice, corn, banana, bread meals that contain many sugar and so on. 

You must reduce too many consume foods that contain many saturated fats, like cheese, pizza, burger, milk contains a lot of saturated fat and so on. That's no problem if you want to eat it all. But, the main point is, you must "REDUCE" not "avoid". Your body really need more carbohydrates, because carbohydrates can give you more energy for your activity. 

You must reduce, I mean don't eat too much. Many carbs and saturated fats can make you fat quickly. And you know, everything that is excessive is not good. So, if you want to apply healthy lifestyle, reduce it and change with some foods that give good affect for your body and muscles.  

2. Counterbalanced with meat, vegetables and (soya) milk

When you choose healthy food, try to combine some healthy food. Beef stew, boiled eggs, whey protein milk, soya milk, fish, red rice, boiled vegetables. My advice is try to combine your foods. For example, if you eat some beef stew, you must counterbalanced with vegetables, and don't forget to consume milk (whey protein and soya milk) for more protein. 

Also for your diet and keep the your weight, you must consume vegetables. Vegetables is very good for your disgestion. For addition, red rice is also perfect and simple healthy food menu. Red rice have many protein and less carbohydrates. So, if you want to apply healthy foods, try to combine some food, not just  one kind of food, because there are foods that can build muscles quickly, and there are foods that good for diet. 

3. Consume fruit juice without sugar

One kind of drink that very good for your health is fruit juice. But, not all fruit juice is good for health. Why? Because almost all of fruit juice always contains many sugar. Too many sugar is not good for your healthy and your diet (makes you fat). Also, excessive sugar can cause diabetes.    

I'm sure fruit juice is really good for diet and muscle, but you must consume it without sugar. And you must reduce consume avocado juice, because avocado juice contains a lot of fat, escpecially if you added chocolate. 

4. Quacker oatmeal is one the best foods for muscle

For snack or breakfast, you can try quacker oatmeal routine. Why quacker? Because quacker contains less of saturated fat, more protein and makes you more replete. So, quacker oatmeal is also good for muscle if you have goals to build muscles. You can change unhealthy snack to quacker oatmeal. You can added milk or strwaberry in your menu, so that you not feel bored to eat quacker. 

5. Reduce greasy food

Too many consume greasy food, like fried pork and fried chicken for example, it's not good for your healthy. Greasy food makes you fat quickly. In the other hand, greasey food also can potentially leading heart disease. Change your greasy food to vegetables, fruit, boiled meat,  and quacker oatmeal.

6. Dinner before 6 P.M

The best for dinner is actually before 6 P.M, because after 6 P.M, your body have not a lot of activity. So, if you eat afer 6 P.M, your body cannot fat burning quickly. So that, so much fat accumulated in your body. 

7.  Enjoy your food

The last, you have to enjoy what you eat. Don't too be afraid to getting fat. It just make you stress and afraid to many kind of food. You don't have to avoid all kind of unhealthy food. In the first point I said that you just need "reduce" not "avoid. That's fine if you eat pizza, burger, fried chicken. You just need to reduce. 

If you want to try combine healthy foods, you must have good mind, stay positive and enjoy waht your eat. Healthy body can be realized if you have healthy mind too. 

So, trying this 7 tips is very simple and not too expensive for your budget. Compare if you must eat and drink any gym supplement or using steroids to build your muscle. That's really bad for your healthy and also for your budget.  


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