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Sunday, February 5, 2017

High Intensity Workout Vs Low Intensity Workout, Which Better?

Daily routine sports activities can be done in various ways and methods. Workout routine can be done with low intensity and high intensity training. Exercise done in the low intensity does not require a long duration. For example low intensity workout such as doing lightweight cycling, walking, skipping, push-ups dan so on.

While high intensity workout includeing lift weight exercise that is done by force a heavy dumbell or barbell (such as the gym mania), calisthenics which aims to shape the muscles, marathon running. High intensity workout is certainly very draining.

Many debate whether high intensity workout can make the body more healthy than do low intensity workout. The keywords is: More healthy, not stronger. If you want more powerful, so exercise intensity must be increasing. But if you want to be healthier, is doing high intensity workout makes the body more healthy than low intensity workout?

The answer is: NO. High intensity workout doesn't mean healthier than low intensity workout, vice versa. I did a variety of sports, ranging from very heavy exercise, up to light exercise. As it turned out, when I did both my body stay healthy. Precisely exercise performed beyond our ability can cause pain. That's just make me bad.  

I ever did a routine exercise for 3 hours during 3 months. In several years later, when I do not have much time to exercise, but I still doing routine exercise with 45 minutes - 1 hour duration, yet during 3 months. It turned out that the results I have achieved is almost no difference between the exercise for 3 hours to exercise for 45 minutes - 1 hour. The most important thing  to get ripped muscle is: I can still perform consistently and while maintaining a good diet.

Basically, the sport is to move and flex the body. Of course, to achieve that, you don't need to be insistent doing heavy exercise. Exercise such as walking or cycling routine, push ups, sit ups already deeply enough to make your body fit.

So, this post concludes that in order to get a healthy body, you do not have to do high intensity workout. Low intensity workout done routinely is enough to make your body healthy.

Exercise also relates to how much free time you have. If you do not have much free time, do a little exercise with shorter duration has been able to deliver maximum results. Provided you can do it consistently.


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