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Sunday, April 2, 2017

5 Steps to Begin Healthy Lifestyle

Starting healthy lifesyle need a big commitment, consistency dan discipline. Especially, if you just starting to apply healthy lifestyle.

1. You must starting to build a commitment and motivation.

Begin a healthy lifestyle means you must starting to apply commitment. Commitment will direct yourself to step into healty lifestyle. Beside a commitment, you must have big motivation to do a healthy lifestyle. Without commitment and motivation, you cannot doing great action. 

Yeah, I think commitment and motivation are stepping stone to apply healthy lifestyle. Commitment and motivation will affect your mind to doing something. For example: If you have commitment and motivation to do healthy lifestyle, your mind will direct yourself to begin a healthy lifestyle through action. 

But, how to build commitment and motivation? You can get commitment and motivation from another people that have more experience (that apply healthy lifestyle) than yourself. And you must have be a willingness to do that.  

2. Start to action

If you have done build commitment and motivation, you have to start with action. With commitment and motivation, it's not difficult to begin a great action. "Action", I mean you must begin doing workout (like gym, running, skipping, and so on), try to eat healty food, and set your quality time to sleep (don't work and sleep overnight, because it's not good for your body and healthy).  

Nobody can be success without an effort, you know? So, if you want to keep your body fit, you must work. You must have hard effort, try to do workout, and keep your healthy meal. No pain, no gain. But, you must undergo healty lifestyle with enjoy. Trust me, apply a healthy life is so good and really worth it for your life. So, you must out from your comfort zone.  

3. Try to discipline

If you have done great action, you must maintain your healthy lifestyle. This is done by disclipline. Why you must discipline? I saw many people that success to do healty lifestyle, but they cannot discipline. So, they just can apply healthy lifestyle for several month. After that, they back to the unhealty lifestyle.  

4. Change your eating habit

Just workout and doing many sport activity everyday cannot give you healty lifestyle. You must start to change your eating habit. Before you apply healthy lifestyle, maybe you really like to eat unhealthy food. So, if you have commited to apply healthy lifestyle, you must start to change your eating habit. 

For example: Try to drink soya bean, eat vegetables, juice, boiled beef and another healthy food. Combine your workout and healthy food will give a real healthy life. 

5. Think positive

Believe or not, if you have positive thinking, it's really give a big influence to make your body fit. Your mind is really determine your habit, your activity and your planning. Withouy positive thinking, I think you cannot reach your goal to have a certain quality life. 

So, that's is 5 ways steps to begin healthy lifestyle. Many people maybe think that healthy life is have so big and ripped muscle. That's right. But, healthy life not just about that. Healthy life is about how you can change your bad habit become a good habit with 5 steps that have I explained.


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