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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Must Read! Honey is Dangerous for Baby

When a child is born or barely a year usually some parents give honey to his / her lips to make it look red or smear honey in his mouth in order to savor the flavor.

However launched from Nayakatara.com, The American Academy of Pediatrics actually prohibits honey to children under the age of 1 year. Honey in any form should not be, even food or drinks that contain honey is prohibited given to the child. Why? 

Because honey contains spores of botulism that cause poisoning in babies. This occurs when the bees spread the pollen to the ground and suck the flower. This is what causes a lot of honey bees that do not pass through the pasteurization process. In this case the spores contained in honey is usually found on unwashed vegetables.

So this is what causes a child under the age of 12 months infants are prohibited from consuming honey. Because babies do not yet have a perfect immune system so susceptible to disease.

Arianti Widodo, a pediatrician, explained the content of botulinum in honey has the effect of potentially barging into the child's body. Because the compounds contained in it can cause muscle spasms.

The content of botulism in honey can cause serious illness and even be able to make paralyzed child, because children under the age of 12 months did not have good immune system. So should the honey given to children at the age of 2 years. Because children older than 2 years the body's own immune system.

Honey actually is very good for healthy, escpecially for increase energy. Honey can make your body stay fit. But don't try give honey to children under 12 months.


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