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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Why You Should Start Running?

Running workout become the one of most popular sport in the world. Many people start to try running. Even, now you can find easily so many running community. Yes, surely running have so many benefit for your body. I personally started to try running workout in 2009 until now.

And now, running become popular and many people make running for fun sport. One reason people loved running because running don't need any budget. You just need running shoes. In the other hand, so many organization also often held running competition. I ever attend running competition in 2014 for 10k category.  

Oke, so what the benefits of running? 

1. Good for diet

Running is the most effective cardio workout for diet. Because running can burn more calories compares another cardio like treadmill, skipping and so on. Even, the burning of calories from running is more two times than walking. Many people success to lose their weight with routine running. 

2. Maintaning heart health 

Some research show that running as far as 16 kilometers a week will reduce the risk of blood pressure disorders by 39%. In addition, cholesterol deposition disorders may be reduced by 34%. Doing running in the morning helps reduce the risk caused by blood vessel problems due to cholesterol deposits such as heart disease. In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease, with control of the amount of cholesterol in the body also lowers the risk of obesity.

3. Strengthen bone

Running workout can strengthen your bone, especially shinbone. Because when running the main target is legsThis is why running sports are also required in any martial arts, because leg bone density is needed as a sawhorse.

4. Increase your stamina

Beside burn calories, if you doing routine running workout in medium until long distance can increase dan keep your stamina. Based on my experience, when I doing routine running, I stay fit when walking in the long distance. 

Running does expend energy, but by running we will also produce energy. New energy is created during the process of metabolism, making it into balance. But running too long also not good and even can make your body spend too much energy. Run routine should be done casually about 30 to 60 minutes per day. As long as done regularly then the result will be we get.

5. Reduce stress

Many studies in the United States states that running makes the mind more fresh, so it can reduce stress.. Apparently true, based on what I experienced, exercise runs out of energy, but really reduce stress and the mind becomes fresher after running.

6. Reduce the risk of diabetes

Diabetes is a fairly dangerous disease, especially for elderly people. If you do not want diabetes, then running is the right choice. With exercise run, then you automatically also burn cholesterol in the body, so as to prevent the occurrence of diabetes.

7. Increases breathing

The benefits of jogging for those who have asthma feel a good impact on their breathing. Especially for those of us who are healthy, will definitely feel the breathing system feels better. A study involving asthma sufferers, and then to run a weekly routine for 3 months. The result is that their asthma rarely comes back after a morning run routine. Even they feel the breathing becomes more relieved.

8. Increase endurance

Running exercises regularly can make you less susceptible to disease. Running can boost the immune system that makes you stronger to ward off viruses that cause illness.

So, there are so many benefits of running. You should start running exercise right now.. It's never too late. 


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