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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

5 Variations Ab Wheel Rollout Workout You Can Do

One type of abdominal exercise is quite challenging abdominal exercises are exercised using the tool: Ab Wheel Roller or abbreviated Ab Wheel. This tool is shaped like a wheel, and there is a handle on the left and right side. If you want to know what kind of tool, look at the picture below:

Ab Wheel Rollout

Ab wheel is great for exercising all the muscles of your body, especially the abdominal muscles. Ab wheel serves to train your core muscle. In addition, ab wheel exercise tools have the advantage can be taken wherever you go, because this tool is very light. By having an ab wheel, you can try a variety of exercise movements. Here are some variations of ab wheel practice to train your core muscle:

1. Ab Wheel Knee Rollout 
Implementation stages:

- Place the ab wheel on the floor and hold the wheel with both hands
- Take a kneeling position
- Upright back position
- Straighten your body and hands forward, until your back goes straight
- Back to its original position
- Perform the movement 10-20 reps
- This exercise is very good at forming abdominal musclesTahapan pelaksanaan:

2. Ab Wheel Plank

Implementation stages:

- Hold the ab wheel with both hands
- Straight back position
- Both feet touch the floor
- Hold the movement like a plank movement
- Hold for 30 seconds - 1 minute
- Ab wheel plank has the same movement with plank usual. However, in this exercise you use ab wheel for a more challenging movement.Tahapan pelaksanaan:

3. Ab Wheel V-Rollout 

Implementation stages:

- Place the ab wheel on the floor, grip ab wheel with both hands
- Upright back position
- Both feet touch the floor, knees should not touch the floor
- Push your body forward, so that your body position to form like the letter V (picture above)
-Back to its original position
- Perform this movement 10-15 reps

4. Standing Ab Wheel Rollout 

Standing ab wheel rollout has the same stages of execution as ab wheel V-rollout, but this movement is more challenging because you have to do full movement, while ab wheel V-rollout only do half movement only.

5. Power Pikes Wheel 

Implementation stages:

- Put ab wheel on both feet
- Both palms touch the floor
- Take a push up position (back straight, and palms straight)
- Push the ab wheel forward and raise your waist
- Head position facing down
- Repeat the movement 10-20 reps
- This movement meltih your leg muscles


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