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Sunday, October 21, 2018

How to Run Faster and Stronger - 5K

Do you like running? Or maybe you are now trying to pursue running sports as part of your healthy lifestyle? Currently running sports is indeed a sport that is much loved by the most of people in the world. You may also encounter more frequent running communities in the city closest to you.

There are many running categories that are often contested. Usually starting from 5k, 10k, 21k (half marathon) and 42k (full marathon). Some of you may wonder: How can we be able to run fast faster and stronger, especially in the middle distance like 5k?

Before I discuss more deeply, running fast can not be arbitrarily done. If you run in the marathon category, you are not advised to run fast along the route, because it will consume your energy earlier (unless you are an athlete, you are certainly able to run fast during long run). Means, you will be gassed out if you run fast at marathon.

That's why if you watch people running during a marathon, they run at a slow but stable tempo. But what if you "just" run 5 km? I don't think all of you are difficult to run 5k. But the next question is, can you run 5k fast, stable and record a good time record? Or can you run 5k in pace 4?

Not everyone can run fast in 5k. Therefore, in this post I will give you some tips so you can run fast in the 5k category, so you can finish under 30 minutes.

I personally have participated in the 5k category race several times. And recently, I finished in 25 minutes 29 seconds. Pay attention to the picture below. That is my rank (ranked 18th out of 262 participants in the 5k category), and the medal I got when I ran the competition.

I was deliberately targeting the 5k category (more precisely in this race the distance is 5.275 km) because this is where I can test whether I can run fast stable, and test VO2Max. In this running race, actually I also made a number of mistakes that made a note of a rather delayed time.

Even though I actually cun run in under 24 minutes. Then how can you run fast, and how do you minimize errors in running so you can run fast? Check out the tips from me:

1. Run stable at the beginning until you are ready

When you start, you have to start with a stable run (don't run too long or run fast). When your muscles are not ready, especially if you have not warmed up, this will cause your stomach to cramp great.

I experienced this myself, where at the start I started running very fast. Arriving at km-4, my right stomach was cramped, so I could barely continue running. I walked a lot until I finally ran again when I entered the 5-km. Luckily, I was still able to finish in 25 minutes.

2. Increase speed when you start sweating

If you have run stable, feel sweaty, increase the tempo of your running speed. Continue to increase to the limit of your running ability.

That is, do not immediately run fast or step on the gas when the start starts. But run stable, and increase your speed slowly. This makes your "machine" more ready to run fast on the next km. Entering the finish line, you are only advised to continue on the gas.

3. Occasionally lower run times

When you have increased the running tempo, you can occasionally lower your running tempo. The purpose of lowering the running time is to stabilize your breathing again after you step on the gas. After you have slightly lowered the run time until your breath is stable, you can increase your running speed again.

4. You have to drink enough

Try to drink enough water 10 minutes before starting. If you don't bring drinking water, in a running race, sometimes there is a committee that provides drinking water on certain running routes. You are advised to take the drinking water provided, so that your body stays awake during running. Lack of drinking can minimize stomach cramps. Several times I experienced myself, lack of drinking can accelerate stomach cramps while running.

5. Right training

Of course you have to practice properly if you want to be able to run fast. If you can't run fast, start first by running fast 0.5 km. If you can increase your speed run by 1 km and so on. By practicing gradually, over time you can run 5k under 30 minutes.

Those are the five tips that you can try if you want to run fast in the 5k category. So, try it!


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