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Monday, October 8, 2018

Type Push Up of Girls dan Benefits

Push up is a very popular, common, simple sport and is always the main physical exercise menu in any sport. Push ups have a myriad of amazing benefits. On the one hand, push ups are actually not just good sports for men, but push ups also have a myriad of benefits for women. Read also: 4 Benefits Push Up for Women.

The standard push up movement is sometimes still difficult for some women because this push-up movement puts more emphasis on the strength of your hand to support the body. Women generally have muscles that are not as strong as men, so sometimes the standard push up movement is still hard to do.

Therefore, if you are a woman and you want to try sports push ups regularly, then you can start trying push up movements that are easier, namely: Knee push ups. Knee push ups are generally more often done by women for the initial push up exercise. Here's a knee push up:

Image Source: thedancingflower.files.wordpress.com

Knee push ups are done the same as when you do regular push ups. However, both of your knees touch the floor and the legs are slightly bent. This will make it easier for you to do a push up movement, because your knee functions as a "tool" for push ups, so that energy does not only focus on the muscles of the hand. This is what makes knee push ups easier to do.

If you are used to it and already feel lighter by doing knee push ups, you can start trying to practice standard push ups. If you are able to do standard push ups, you can try various kinds of push up movements.

The push-up movement is certainly very good for women, because push-ups not only nourish the body and strengthen the body's resistance, but push-ups also tighten your body's muscles and make your body more flexible.

Good luck.. 


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