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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Interval Run Training - 5K and 10K

Running is a type of exercise that can increase your stamina and endurance. Running is also a good exercise for cardio (fat burning). In fact, running is one of the fastest-burning sports. There are various running sports, from sprinting, mid-distance running (5k and 10k), long distance running (running a marathon).

In running, you may often hear interval running. What ss that an interval run? How do you do interval runs? What are the benefits of the run interval?

Let's discuss about run intervals. Run interval is a technique of running short distances (sprint / semi sprint), by doing a combination of running and resting breaks, until you reach a certain running distance that you have set.

For example, you run fast 500 meters a round. After that, you take a break, can be done by walking fast or relaxing jogging 20 seconds. Then do a quick run of 500 meters for the second round. Then, take a break again, and continue to run the 500 meter third round, to reach a total of 10 laps in 5,000 meters / 5 km.

So remember the run interval key words: First is to run fast. In intervals you have to run fast in short distances. Running fast can be done by sprint or semi sprint. Secondly, rest breaks. After running fast, you have to take a break, before continuing the next lap.

The rest interval referred to in the run interval is not stopped at all, but can be done by walking fast or relaxing jogging.

This means that the run interval is different from normal running such as running jogging or running a long nonstop run. If on a nonstop run, you run continuously in medium or long distance without any pauses, but you do it with steps (pace) that tend to be more relaxed or slow. Whereas the run interval is a sprint but it is done with a short distance, and then you do a break, and continue with the next round.


You already know what a run interval is, and how to do a run interval. Then what is the purpose of doing a run interval? Why do running athletes (especially middle distance athletes) always enter the interval run training menu as one of the main exercises?

The main benefits of the run interval are: TRAIN RUN SPEED and RESISTANCE. You might be able to run 5k or 10k nonstop without stopping. But maybe you don't run faster after entering in the 3rd kilometer and so on, so you have difficulty printing a new personal record.

Well, therefore, to increase running speed you need to run this interval training. With the run interval training, you can increase and measure your speed. By getting used to running fast at certain running distances, your speed will increase, and your endurance in running will also increase.

What are the examples of interval run training programs for speed training in certain running categories? You can note the example of the interval run program below:


Lap 1: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds
Lap 2: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds
Lap 3: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jogging / brisk walking) 15 seconds
Lap 4: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds
Lap 5 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds
Lap 6: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds
Lap 7 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds
Lap8: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds
Lap 9 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds
Lap 10: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 15 seconds

Total running distance: 5k, 10 laps.

You can increase your run interval program as follows:

Lap 1: Run a sprint of 1 km - rest (jogging / brisk walking) 30 seconds
Lap 2: Run a sprint of 1 km - rest (jogging / brisk walking) 30 seconds
Lap 3: Run a sprint of 1 km - rest (jogging / brisk walking) 30 seconds
Lap 4: Run a sprint of 1 km - rest (jogging / brisk walking) 30 seconds
Lap 5 Run a sprint of 1 km - rest (jogging / brisk walking) 30 seconds

Total running distance: 5k, 5 laps.


Lap 1: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 2: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 3: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 4: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 5 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 6: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 7 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 8: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 9 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap10: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 11: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 12: Run a 500 m sprint - rest (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 13: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 14: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 15: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 16: Run a 500 m sprint - rest (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 17: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap18: Run a 500 m sprint - rest (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 19: Run a 500 m sprint - rest (jogging / brisk walking) 20 seconds
Lap 20: Run a 500 m sprint - rest (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds

Total running distance: 10k, 20 laps.

You can increase the 10k interval program as follows:

Lap 1: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 2: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 3: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 4: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 5 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 6: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 7 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 8: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 9 Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds
Lap 10: Run a 500 m sprint - take a break (jog / fast walk) 20 seconds

Total running distance: 10k, 10 laps.

That is an example of a run interval. You can modify the program according to your abilities. For example, you can try a 1 minute sprint. Then relax for 30 seconds. Then do the sprint again 1 minute then rest, and do up to 5 laps.


Practicing this run interval is the ultimate goal so you can run fast when you are required to run nonstop within a certain distance. So for example when doing interval runs with a total distance of 5k, the final goal is to increase your time in the 5k run category.

Speed is one of the main things needed in running. Therefore, do not skip run interval training as part of a combination of increased speed and endurance.


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