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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Workout & Muscles Worked

Deltoid muscle is one type of arm muscle that you need to train. Shoulder muscles themselves are a large type of muscle (big muscle component). 

The shoulder muscle itself is divided into three parts, namely the front shoulder muscles (anterior delt), the side muscles of the shoulder (middle delt) and the back of the shoulder muscles (rear delt). Many colleagues ask how to train the back of the shoulder muscles.

Therefore, in this article, I will give a tutorial on how to train the rear delt muscles using only a pair of dumbbells. Okay, in this article we will discuss how to exercise the back shoulder muscles with movement: Dumbbell shoulder press. We wiil also discuss about muscles worked from dumbbell shoulder press

Oke, here is the movement of the dumbbell shoulder press:

Dumbbell Shoulder Press. Image sources: Fightbreak.com
The following are the stages of implementing dumbbell shoulder press:

- Sitting on a chair (can be a bench chair or an ordinary chair for you home gym)
- Both hands hold the dumbbell
- Lift the dumbbell to the shoulder level, and position the dumbbell at ear height
- Your back must be upright, and your posture erect
- Both feet touch the floor
- Lift both dumbbells to dumbbell position above your head
- The position of your hands and elbows is straight
- Lower the dumbbell, and repeat the same movement
- Do this movement 10-15 reps, 3-4 sets

The muscles worked from dumbbell shoulder press is a special movement to train the rear deltoid muscles. When doing this movement, only your two hands play a role in raising and lowering the dumbbell. If your body moves along, the results will not be maximal.

This movement is a compound movement. This means that when you do dumbbell sohulder press, not only your shoulder muscles are formed, but also form the muscles of your upper back.

For more details about how to do dumbbell shoulder press, you can watch a short my video tutorial workout for dumbbell shoulder press:


Standing dumbbell shoulder press

Sit dumbbell shoulder press

In the example of the video I gave above, this movement can be done by standing or sitting. At the gym you will often see variations in the movement of the dumbbell shoulder press. Which one is better? My advice is the movement of the dumbbell shoulder press is better done by sitting position.

Because in a sitting position, your feet do not come as a foundation to lift the dumbbell, so that your muscles focus more on the muscles of the arms.

The example video above uses a dumbbell weighing 5 kg. You can add weight according to your abilities. Of course, use a load that is in accordance with your ability that you can lift 10-15 reps.

Dumbbell shoulder press can be a solution for those of you who want to train your muscles at home / home gym without having a lot of time going to the gym. All you need is a pair of dumbbells. If you don't have a dumbbell, you can make your own dumbbell or use a bottle of mineral water filled with sand.

That's how to train the back of the shoulder muscles with the movement of the dumbbell shoulder press.

Oke so this workout is so simple and easy. It can be main part of your shoulder workout. You just need a pair of dumbbell... Good luck, and have a nice day.. 


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