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Sunday, September 8, 2019

How to Do Tricep Dips: Tricep Dips on Chair + Video

One part of the arm muscle that you need to train is the triceps muscle. Triceps muscle in general you can train and shape using a dumbbell, barbell or machine such as the tricep pushdown movement (in the gym).

But not everyone has the time to go to the gym. Not everyone has their own barbell or dumbbell. But don't worry, because triceps muscle training can be done without these tools.

Shaping the triceps muscle can be done with triceps exercises. Triceps dips can be done with the help of objects or chairs. Friends all have a chair right at home? Well, the chair in your house you can use to train, build muscle triceps, with the TRICEP DIPS movement.

And of course, this exercise can be done by friends at home. Before we get into the movement of the triceps dips, you can see an example of the triceps muscle below:

Tricep muscle
So the movement of the triceps exercise aims to focus on forming the triceps muscle, so that your arms can become bigger, more muscular. Now we will go into the exercise of the triceps dips (using chairs). Following are the triceps movements of the dips:

Tricep Dips on Chair - Step 1
The first step to triceps dips is like in the picture above. Both hands touch the chair and the position of the hands must be straight. Likewise, the position of your legs should be straight. Leg position should not bend.

Tricep Dips on Chair - Step 2
After that, lower your hands until your elbows form a 45 degree angle. You can look back at the image in step two above. Try your elbows and arms can be in a position of 45 degrees, so that your triceps muscle can contract more, and get maximum results.

Remember, when you do triceps dips, only your hands are working, so that your triceps muscles will feel more results. When raising and lowering arms, the position of the foot must remain in position (straight). Legs may not move. If the foot moves, then the involvement of the hand muscles will be reduced.

For clarity, if you want to see a direct example of the movement of the triceps exercise with the triceps dips, you can watch the triceps exercise video below:

Triceps dips can be done with a rather high chair or a chair or a shorter plane. In the video above, I use a rather high chair for the triceps exercise.

If you do not have a high chair area as above, you can do triceps dips with a lower plane or seat. For example you can watch the following training video (triceps dips in the lower plane):

In the video above, you can see that the triceps dips are also very supportive to be carried out on a chair or lower plane. The methods are the same as I have explained above earlier. To practice the triceps dips, you can do this triceps exercise 12-15 reps 3 sets of reps.

So that's the way to exercise the triceps muscle with a very simple device, without having to go to the gym, without using a barbell or dumbbell. Good luck. 


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