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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

4 Simple Shoulder Superset Workout

Shoulder muscles are included in one of the upper body which is a large muscle that you need to train. Shoulder muscles that are formed will make your body posture to be better, sturdy and ideal.

Therefore, don't forget to include shoulder muscle exercises in your exercise program. Shoulder muscle exercises can be done using the superset exercise method. Simply put, a superset is a training method by doing two movements without pausing / rest between movements.

For example, you do a dumbbell shoulder press exercise. Then proceed with dumbbell front raise exercises without pauses between movements. That is superset training.

For friends who have limited time to exercise, both at the gym and at home exercises, training with the superset method can be an alternative exercise to save time by still entering more movements (without skip movements) in the exercise of friends.

Here I want to give an example of a supercircular shoulder exercise. In this post, we will use a pair of dumbbells to do shoulder superset exercises. And you can also do this exercise at home.
Deltoid muscle
Okay, we just go into the shoulder muscle superset exercise program. There are 4 shoulder muscle superset exercises that you can try to apply:

SUPERSET 1: Dumbbell lateral raise (side shoulder) and Dumbbell front raise (front shoulder)

The first shoulder superset exercise we do with dumbbell lateral raise, the goal is to form the side muscles of the shoulder. Then (without a break) followed by a dumbbell front raise to form the front shoulder muscles.

DUMBBELL LATERAL RAISE. Stages of implementation:
- Stand up straight
- Initial position: the two dumbbells are under (next to the thigh)
- Lift both dumbbells to the side
- Until it forms like a 45 degree angle
- When lifting dumbbells, only the shoulders can move, the body remains stable
- Repeat the movement
- Perform these movements 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets

DUMBBELL FRONT RAISET. Stages of implementation:
- Stand, back / upright posture
- Raise both hands and dumbbell forward
- Until your hands are straight forward, right in front of your chest
- Lower the dumbbell, and position the dumbbell beside / in front of the thigh (not too backward)
- Repeat the movement again
- Do 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets

To make it easy to practice the movements, you can watch the following exercise video:

Superset 1 - Side deltoid (lateral raise) & front deltoid (Front raise)

SUPERSET 2: Dumbbell shoulder press (back shoulder) and Dumbbell rear delt fly (back shoulder)

The second superset of exercise, specifically to form the back shoulder muscles. There are two superset movements that we do: Dumbbell shoulder press and dumbbell rear delt fly.

DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS. Stages of implementation:
- Take a sitting position (Alternative: Can stand position)
- Initial position: Lift the two dumbbells, until the dumbbell position is next to the ear
- Raise both dumbbells above the head
- Position the elbow straight, almost forming 90 degrees
- Back to its original position
- Repeat the movement
- Do 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets

DUMBBELL REAR DELT FLY. Stages of implementation:
- Sit with your body slightly bent and head down
- Both hands holding a pair of dumbbells
- The second position of dumbbell close together
- Swing the dumbbell to the side, body position remains slightly bent.
- Repeat 10-12 reps, 3-4 sets

To more clearly practice these two movements in one superset exercise, you can watch the following video:

Superset 2 - Rear deltoid (Shoulder press & rear delt fly)

That is an example of 4 movements of the superconscious shoulder muscles. Perform superset 1 exercise with 3-4 sets. Then continue to exercise superset 2 with the number 3-4 sets.

Perform this shoulder muscle superset exercise twice a week. For example you can do this exercise Monday and Friday. You can also do variations of this exercise using barbells and machines (if you exercise at a gym). Balance with eating patterns and regular breaks to get maximum results.

Keep trying and good luck...


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