Home Gym, Healthy Life and Food, Workout Tutorial, Freeletics and Bodyweight Excercise.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

When is The Best Time for Workout?

In the sports many people always debate about: When is the best time to do workout? The answer was vary. Some people say in the morning is the best time for doing workout, because the stomach is empty, thus burning fat faster. There is also that night better because it can make better quality sleep. There is also that during the day is a good time for the process of fat burning during the day can lose weight faster.

So which is best time for doing workout? Morning, afternoon, evening or night?

The answer is NOTHNG BETTER. When is the best exercise time is the time where you can perform the exercise consistently. For example, Person A and Person B who doing workout program.

Person A has committed to exercise home gym on the morning of the day. Monday can doing workout, but Tuesday till Saturday off: Person A can never wake up in the morning. Person A doing workout again on Sunday. Yes the same, the results are not going up. When Person A sports schedules replace the late afternoon, it turns Person A could instead perform with consistency because the afternoon was free time for Person A.

While the Person B schedule for the morning workout. The B turned out to be able to do it consistently, because the B can wake up early in the morning. When Person B try workout during afternoon, Person B can't do it consistent, because the afternoon is the busy time  for Person B

Of the two examples above, shows that the best time for doing workout is depend on the adjustment of spare time for each person. Based on my experience, it is the best exercise time is the time where we could do with a consistent and disciplined.

In high school, I could exercise 2 times a day, in the morning and afternoon. But in the college, I just can doing workout in the morning. When I work in the office rightnow,  I just have 45 minutes till 1 hour to doing home gym workout. I choose dawn workout till 5.30.

I feel fine. I still can growing my muscle up. My body also keep fit, although I do exercise in the morning, afternoon or dawn workout. Why I do not doing night workout? Because I was not able to consistently workout at the night. If I workout at the night, maybe even sports schedules will be chaotic.

As it turned out, from my experience since pursue home fitness sport since 2007, I can still doing home gym regardless of the time as long as it can be done consistently.

So, if you want to exercise, set a time that suits for your schedule. If you want doing sports well, you must be consistently, enjoy and discipline. That is the key you can get the ideal body shape.


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