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Friday, October 19, 2018

How to: Dumbbell Hammer Curl - Excercise & Video

In the previous post I wrote here: Bicep Workout Video: Dumbbell Bicep Curl, I gave one of the tips to train bicep muscles using a dumbbell, with a dumbbell bicep curl motion. Where can you do this movement not only at the gym. You who don't have much time going to the gym, you can still do the bicep exercise at home (home gym).

Bicep muscle exercises can also be varied, not just with dumbbell bicep curl movements, but there are more variations of bicep muscle exercise using dumbbell: Dumbbell hammer curl. Dumbbell hammer curl has approximately the same movement as bicep curl, and the target is the same to train your bicep muscles.

It's just that, dumbbell hammer curl is a variation of bicep exercise movements. With a variety of exercise movements, your muscles can develop better. Here is the movement of dumbbell hammer curl ...
The stages of implementing dumbbell hammer curl:

- Stand up and your back must be upright.
- Hold both dumbbells with the same weight
- The second position of the dumbbell is below (beside the thigh)
- Your elbow position must remain straight
- Position your hand holding the dumbbell from the bottom, and the hand parallel to the shoulder
- Your hand position is like when you hold a 'hammer' (hammer)
- Swing the dumbbell upwards, until the dumbbell position is parallel to the chest
- The position of the dumbbell must be in front of your body when swinging a dumbbell
- Repeat the movement as before
- Do this movement

The difference between dumbbell hammer curl and dumbbell bicep curl is in your grip. If the dumbbell bicep curl position your palm facing forward while holding a dumbbell. Whereas in the hammer curl, position your palm facing sideways (like when you hold a hammer).

In addition, you can see the exercise video I uploaded about how to do the correct dumbbell hammer curl. Please watch.

That is an example of how to train bicep muscles with dumbbell hammer curl. You can practice this movement at home easily for those of you who don't have much time to go to the gym. You only need a pair of dumbbells to do the movement. And this movement is very easy to do.

The dumbbell hammer curl movement is an isolation movement. This means that this movement is only specific to form one type of muscle, namely the bicep muscle. When doing this movement, only your bicep muscles can play a role in swinging the dumbbell. Other muscles such as the shoulder muscles, and your body as a whole should not participate when lifting weights.

Aside from practicing, you must also maintain a proper diet, and the right resting pattern. So you can get maximum results.


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