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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Freeletics Workout, Tutorial and Results

Hi guys.. Nice to meet you again my loyal readers in this site. In this post, I want to share about how I can diet and build muscle with freeletics for 12 weeks. I don't copied 100% real freeletics program, but I just adopt my freeletics workout program from the real program. 

Before I show you my freeletics workout results, I will tell you about my reason why I starting to do freeletics workout.  I doing freeletics because of I'm overweight until 6 kg in 3 months. When I gratuated from university, I started to seeking job. When I was accepted to work at a company as an employee, my lifestyle changed.

I ate unhealthy food too much (like food that contains many sugar), cake, and also ate too much carbohydrate. Beside, I rarely do the motion activity, because in the office, I doing sedentary activity, so I became fat quickly. Not surprisingly, my weight was up until 6 kg in 3 months. 

I have endomorph body too. I feel bad with unhealthy lifestyle, so I decided to doing freeletics to get my ideal body shape again. I also begin to apply healthy life style and eat helathy food. Read also: 7 Tips to Combine Simple Perfect Healthy Foods. Freeletics is full bodyweight exercise that become popular since the founders Andrej Matijczak, Mehmet Yilmaz, Joshua Cornelius introducing freeletics in 2013. 

Now, at my photo below. 

I take my photo on August 21, 2015.That's before I doing freeletics. You can see so many belly fat. I just eat at will. No matter what I'm eat, healthy or not. I eat too many carbohydrate and cake. So, I decided to begin doing freeletics exercise on September 8, 2015. 

Now, I will sohw my freeletics progress from weeks to weeks. Read also: Freeletics Program For 15 Weeks.

BEFORE (August 29, 2015)  --> My weight is 76 kg.

WEEK 4 (October 10, 2015)    

WEEK 8 (November 7, 2015)

WEEK 13 (December 6, 2015)


WEEK 15 (December 29, 2015) --> 71,26 Kg 

Before I doing freeletics on August 29, 2015, my weight is 76 kg. Before that, my weight just about  69 kg. So, my weight go up to 7 kg. If you see my photo on August 29 my body it's look fat, especially int the abs and hips (I do abdominal muscle contraction but still look fat). I week 4, my abdominal fat has begun to diminish (and I do not abdominal muscle contraction). 

You can see the difference before freeletics and week 4, escpecially in the hips although still not significant. Week 8, I show the better result than week 4. In week 13 is better than week 8. I've been able to wear my pants that are too narrow. In week 15 (the last week), I've been on my my weight, 71,26 kg. So, I can lose my weight up to 6 kg with freeletics.

I can give conlusion that freeletics is really effective to diet and build muscle with full bodyweight workout. If you want to see my freeletics record, you can see here: My Freeletics Records. I doing freeletics 4 days a week. In sunday I doing running. Here is my freeletics schedule: 

1. Monday - off
2. Tuesday until friday - workout
3. Saturday - off
4. Sunday - running and another cardio

I doing freeletics in the morning. Read also: When is The Best Time for Workout?. So, freeletics is divided into 3 program: Cardio, Strengh and Combo (cardio and strengh). If you want to know freeletics workout, I will give you the kinds of freeletics workout: 


Apollon      3 ronde - 25 burpees, 400m run, 50 deep squats, 400m run

Atlas           Run 2K, 50 deep squat, 50 burpees, 50 froggers, 50 leg levers, 100 jumps

Dione         3 ronde - 75 jumping jacks, 25 burpess, 50 leg levers, 75 jumping jacks, 50 sit                             ups, 25 burpees

Gaia            10 ronde - 40 jumping jacks, 30 jumps, 20 froggers, 10 stand ups

Heras          5 ronde - 40 jumps, 60 sec rest, 400m run, 60 sec rest

Iris               6 mile run, 5 rounds each - 100 jumping jacks, 100 climbers - 6 mile run

Metis           10/25/10 each - Burpees, climbers, high jumps


Hyperion       6 ronde - hand stand push ups, 12 strict pull ups, 6 one hand push ups, 12                                    pistols, 60 second rest

Kentauros      6 ronde- 2x20m walking lunges, 10 high jumps, 2x20 burpee frogs, 10 high                                jumps

Kronos           100 push ups, 200 sit ups, 300 squats, 200 leg levers, 100 pull ups                 

Poseidon        20/15/10/5 each - pull ups and push ups

Venus              4 ronde - 50 push ups, 20 jackknives, 50 deep squats

Zeus                4 ronde - 5 hand stand push ups, 15 pull ups, 25 push ups, 35 sit ups, 45                                      squats, 120 sec rest


Aphrodite     50/40/30/20/10 each - Burpees, squats, sit ups   

Ares               5 ronde - 7 pull ups, 7 jack knives, 2x40m sprints, 60 sec rest

Artemis         50 burpees, 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 squats, 50 burpess

Hades            3 ronde - 25 burpees, 15 pull ups, 15 push ups, 25 burpees, 2x40m run

Helios            100 burpees, 125 lunges, 150 climbers, 125 sit ups, 150 climbers, 125 lunges,                               100 burpees

Uranos           2k run, 50 burpees, 50 pull ups, 50 climbes, 50 push ups, 100 jumps

MAX WORKOUT                 MAX REPS
Burpee                                         300 seconds
Hand stand push up                 100 seconds
Jackknife                                     100 seconds 
Jump                                            300 seconds 
Leg lever                                      300 seconds
Lunge                                           300 seconds
Pull up                                         100 seconds
Push up                                       100 seconds
Sit up                                            300 seconds
Squat                                            300 seconds
Climber                                        300 seconds

If you want to see freeletics movements, you can see freeletics video below:

Apollon: Apollon Workout Video 
Atlas: Atlas Workout Video 
Dione: Dione Workout Video 
Gaia: Gaia Workout Video 
Heras: Heras Workout Video 
Iris: Iris Workout Video
Metis: Metis Workout Video 

Hyperion: Hyperion Workout Video 
Kentauros: Kentauros Workout Video 
Kronos: Kronos Workout Video
Poseidon: Poseidon Workout Video
Venus: Venus Workout Video
Zeus: Zeus Workout Video   

Aphrodite: Aphrodite Workout Video 
Artes: Ares Workout Video 
Artemis: Artemis Workout Video 
Hades: Hades Workout Video
Helios: Helios Workout Video 
Uranos: Uranos Workout Video 

Freeletics can also be done by women. It doens't matter if women doing freeletics, because freeletics is not just for men. Women need diet too. Here it's some results of freeletics women.

So, why I choose this exercise? Because freeletics is very simple workout and almost no budget to doing this workout. Freeletics is suitable for you that: 

1.  Want to doing exercise at home
2. Don't have many time to go to the gym / distance from the home too far with gym
3. Low budget
4. Want to doing home gym
5. Want to doing bodyweight workout

Freeletics almost don't need anything equipment. Maybe you just need:

1. Mats dor sit ups
2. Pull up equipment. Read also: How to Do Pull Up Workout At Home
3. Option: If you don't have pull up equipment, you can change by power twister. Read also: How to Use Power Twister to Build Your Muscle
4. Push up bar (optional). Read also: Try This Push Up For Better Result

So, this is my freeletics equipment:




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