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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Best Cardio to Get Flat Sixpack Abs: Results Before Vs After

Everybody surely want to get ideal body, escpecially have flat abs. That's perfect if you have sixpack abs too. If you are get obesity, it's can cause many healthy problem (disease). For example, too many belly fat can cause diabetes, high cholesterol, uric acid, heart attack, and so many other diseases. It's so scary.  

But, if you have big commitment to diet and want to get flat sixpack abs, you just need to doing some cardio workout. To get your flat abs, the first you must doing cardio, not sit up, because you need to eliminate your belly fat first. 

Most of people think that sit up everyday can build sixpack. That's correct, but I'm not sure. I mean, if you still obesity, doing sit up hundreds of times in one day that's not affect for your abs at all. So, you need more cardio to burn your fat. 

Before I tell about the best cardio workout, you must know why people can get obesity. There are so many causes. But, mainly obesity can be caused someone doesn't do a lot of motion activity, like walking, running and sports. In the other hand, obesity can be caused people that apply unhealty food and rarely to do sports. Read also: 7 Tips to Combine Simple Perfect Healthy Foods. 

Most of gamers and employees that I have ever seen, often got obesity. They are too often sit and rarely doing motion activity. If you too many eat and sit, there are no burning fat activity, so you can get obesity quickly. I personally ever got obesity caused too many eat carbohydrates and greasy foods and not balanced with workout activity.

When I conscious that my weight is gain significantly and have so many belly fat, I decided to diet and got back my abs. I doing cardio workout and this cardio is the best for diet I think, because I really saw the best result for my abs after I did this cardio's workout. Now, look at my results before vs after in three months. 

September 2016
 Desember 2016
You can see the difference of my abs between of two photos above. In September 2016, my weight is 76,5 kg and my weight is increase significantly. After 3 months, I lost weight until 5 kg became 71,26 kg. How I can lost my weight until 5 kg? What method that I used? I just do cardio workout like in the freeletics workout. 3 types of cardio that I do that is: Climbers, Jumping Jacks dan Running.   
Climbers Workout

Jumping Jacks Workout
Running Workout
All kind of cardio workout (climbers, jumping jacks and running) is the best and the most effective workout for your diet. I have proved it. So, try doing this cardio 5 days a week. You can doing climbers and jumping in Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. While, you can doing running at Sunday, maybe 8-10 kilometers. 

So, doing climbers, jumping jacks and running it turn out that the best cardio for got your flat abs. To get flat abs, don't forget to manage your food and your sleeping time. 


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